Did you know that your brain is not only located in your head? Your brain continues all the way down your spine. The spine is an extension of the brain. Located along the spine, from the base of the tail bone all the way up to the crown of the head, are 7 energy centers that guide us and help us. There are thousands of chakras in the body, but the 7 located along the spine are the main circuits in the Chakra system.
Kundalini backpiece, brass, thread, and plastic. 2010 Copyright Mary Mecca
What are chakras? Chakra is a Sanskrit term meaning spinning wheel of energy or wheel of light. Your chakras are the energetic blueprint for uniting your body and mind. These energy centers or Chakras connect with one another like pools flowing into one another.
Let's begin at the base of the spine:
Muladhara - Red - 4 Petals
Sacred Vowel - Lam
This is your root, located at the base of the spine. Your center of stability. Your foundation. When the Root chakra is in balance, you have your feet firmly planted in the ground. The element of this chakra is earth.
To open your Muladhara chakra, you must let go of anything that you fear.
If your Root chakra is blocked, you may feel unstable, you may try to compensate for this instability with material things. The blockage can manifest in lower back pain & hip pain.
Yoga: Standing Poses
Swadhistana - Orange - 6 Petals
Sacred Vowel - Vam
Your Sacral Chakra is your sexual center and also your creative center. It is located directly above your sexual organs. When the Sacral chakra is in balance, you easily solve problems, have flowing creativity, and have ease in your relationships. You can express your emotions easily without getting carried away in them. When this chakra is open you are forgiving, you are not angry, and you are not holding grudges against others. The element of this chakra is water.
To open Swadhistana, you must let go of guilt.
If your Sacral chakra is blocked, you may have dysfunctional sexual activity, unsure about innovative decisions, or full of anger. The blockage can manifest in problems with the reproductive organs.
Yoga: Forward Bends
Manipura - Yellow - 10 Petals
Sacred Vowel - Ram
Your Solar Plexus is where you derive your physical energy for your life. It is located behind the naval. When the Solar Plexus is balanced, you feel very affirmed and comfortable in your life. You see that you have choices, you are humble and empowered. When this chakra is open you are full of energy, excited, ready to give and to receive. The element of this chakra is fire.
To open Manipura, you must let go of shame.
If your Solar Plexus is blocked, you may have problems with feeling like a victim all the time. The blockage may manifest into problems with your internal organs, your digestive system, and stomach ulcers.
Yoga: Twists
Anahata - Green - 12 Petals
Sacred Vowel - Yam
Your Heart chakra is your center for Love. It is located in the middle of the chest at the sternum. When your heart chakra is balanced, you are loving, you can give to others without expecting anything in return. When your heart is as open as the sky, you feel free. The element of this chakra is of course, Love.
To open Anahata, you must let go of grief.
If your Heart chakra is blocked, you might be holding onto the death of a loved one or the death of a relationship. The blockage may manifest in poor circulation, high blood pressure, lack of compassion, and intolerance.
Yoga: Backbends and shoulder openers
Vishuddha - Blue - 16 Petals
Sacred Vowel - Ham
Your throat chakra is located in the throat by the adam's apple. It is your center for speech and communication. When your throat chakra is in balance, you are able to speak your truth. You are able to say what you mean, and mean what you say. Your voice and your personal vibration will be pure. The element of this chakra is truth.
To open Vishuddha, you must let go of all lies and falsities.
If your throat chakra is blocked, you will find yourself being misinterpreted by others. You will not be able to find the words to describe the way you feel or something that you need to say. The blockage may manifest in breathing problems, sore throat, word vomit (talkative), anxiety, inability to speak your opinion.
Yoga: Shoulder stand, plow pose, blind man's pose
Ajna - Indigo - 2 Petals
Sacred Vowel - Sham
Your third eye chakra is your center of intuition. This is the place where your inner guide resides, showing you the way. When your third eye chakra is balanced, you are able to follow your intuition into positive experiences. You will have insight and be able to share that insight with others. The element of this chakra is gnosis.
To open Ajna, you must let go of the illusion of separation between yourself and others.
If your third eye chakra is blocked, you will be scatter brained, spacey, have too many thoughts at once, and forgetfulness. The blockage may manifest in migraines, poor eyesight, tension, and the inability to stay focused.
Yoga: Child's pose
Sahasrara - Violet/Clear/All Colors - Infinite petals
Sacred Vowel - Aum
Your crown chakra is your connection to your life on earth. This chakra rules over unity, divinity, and Oneness with the Universe. It is the base of the spiritual body. It is located slightly above the crown of the head but is connected to the brain, the pineal and pituitary glands, and their hormones. When your Crown Chakra is balanced, you are free from desire and earthly attachment. The element of this chakra is thought.
To open Sahasrara, you must let go of anything earthly that you are attached to.
If your crown chakra is blocked, you may suffer from confusion, headaches, hallucinations, mental illness, worry, and a dominant ego.
Yoga: Headstand, Handstand
Chakra Body piece, 925 silver, plastic, spray paint. 2009 Copyright Mary Mecca
Chakras work individually and cooperatively at the same time. You can work on them separately, but it is a good idea to focus on all of them at the same time. One of your chakras could be imbalanced because another one in the system is throwing it off. Blocks in the chakras are muddy energy, causing not enough energy to be circulated throughout your body. If your energy is muddy or groggy, it is very important to practice visualizing the pulling in of white light to clear the darkness. You can do this with meditation, breathing (moving your intelligent prana), Yoga, and visualizing the white light cleansing your body. Try chanting the Sacred Vowels on a regular basis, every day perhaps. I enjoy chanting them in the shower, but I also chant during meditation or before my yoga practice. My husband really enjoys the sounds because he can feel the vibration in his own body. He sometimes joins in, but I think he enjoys listening a little too much :) Try doing it alone, with someone else, or a large group! It is energizing!
Always replace negative thoughts with positive ones. Replace dark thoughts with joyful ones. Visualize your energy in balance. The two pieces of my art work that I've included in this post were my own meditations into the chakra system. For me to visualize them inside my body, I needed to create something tangible outside of my body. This worked for me and helped me to remember that they are there, even if I can't see them. These pieces became very important for me to continue and strengthen my work in meditation. No, I don't wear them out on the street :p but I used my entire body to create them, labored over the pieces, meditated on the meaning, and poured my love and creativity into bringing them into existence.
Open up your spine, Open up your mind.
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