Tuesday, October 2, 2012

the yogi seeks freedom, liberation

How can we become free?
-> through Self-Realization <-

Once we begin to watch our thoughts and become a Self observing the Self, we start to witness our own psychology in action. Wouldn't knowing your possible reaction to a situation, emotion, or action help to aid you in peacefully experiencing what comes your way? This is self-realization. When you know thyself, and know your own tendencies, you can predict your own behavior, and choose a different route. Sometimes, you don't want to choose a different path though, and that's okay. Acknowledging that you know your reaction, or just acknowledging that you have a choice, is empowering. It may begin with something like anger. There might be a sore subject for you, a past lover, a bad memory, or since this is a blog about veganism, maybe meat eating really ticks you off.  For example:
At first, your reaction to meat eating might always make you angry. "Don't they know that animals suffer!!" or "Why can't every one see that it's evil?!" Although these are heroic ideals, they are not every one's ideals. You will exude large amounts of energy with this anger. So maybe for a while, your reaction is anger. But perhaps after some time you realize: I have a choice here. I don't have to be angry. Or maybe you see that you have a choice, and you can't imagine not being upset, in which case I applaud your passion. Is it bothering your day though? Your state of mind?

"Don't let the action of another disturb your inner peace." -The Dalai Lama

Deciding to not eat meat changes your entire life style. Often, you become a brand new person, you are happier, lighter (mentally & physically) and you just want to go shout it on the mountain tops. Instead of insisting on converting every person that you meet, try the good karma cleanse :)

Be Grateful
Just be you! Be happy that YOU have made an important decision. Be thankful that powerful, life changing information has entered your life and that you have decided to take action about it. Be grateful that you have the resources that you need to alter your life style for the better. Be thankful for your beautiful mind. Be thankful for YOUR inner truth. Smile, you are on your right path.

Act With Love
Let's admit it, not every one likes to hear great news. Especially if your great news counters their entire lifestyle. Acting with Love means setting a good example for others. You don't have to prove anything to anyone. Everyone is fighting their own battle, and the lifestyle that they may perceive you as 'talking down' about, might be all they've ever known. Eventually, the people that need to, or the people that are curious, will ask you, "what is it that you do that makes you so happy?" or, "how do you have so much energy?" or even, "how are you so healthy(/skinny)?" THEN you will get to say, "I AM a vegan." or "I AM a vegetarian." Until then, don't necessarily keep it to yourself, but don't parade around town. If you really want to teach others and love others, be humble. Others are always more receptive to a humble teacher. 

Check Your Motives
Are you being vegan or vegetarian to flaunt it? Are you in it to prove something? Are you protesting treatment of animals, or are you just trying to piss off your family? Being stubborn is okay when you are fixing your own meals, but if someone else cooks for you every night, being stubborn is rude. If you are really serious, take meal preparation into your own hands or offer to cook or help prepare an alternative. Are you going vegan to lose weight? Are you going vegan to be different? Please do your research. Veganism is not a diet, it is a lifestyle. You don't need to go vegan to be different, you are already unique. If becoming vegan enhances your life, then do it :)

Watch Your Attitude
Meat eating is still the norm. Most people don't know any better. You have to learn to accept it. Just because you are vegan, doesn't mean you get to critique other people's meals or give them a nutrition lesson. They will be extremely turned off by this. People don't like unsolicited advice. Like I said earlier, the one's that need you will find you. Trust me on this one. You will want it to be your family, and hey maybe eventually it will be, but in the beginning, it is more likely to be perfect strangers that wonder why you're glowing. A bad attitude will totally ruin that glow, by the way. Don't turn your nose up to anyone. Every one experiences exactly what they need to at any given moment, and if you accept this, then some people need to experience meat eating. It's an interesting outlook, but just as you didn't decide what city to be born in or grow up in, or choose your name, or your gender, most people don't view whether to eat meat or not as a choice. I know, I know, it really is. Just be gentle and caring. Just because someone eats meat doesn't mean they don't deserve your love.

If you mess up, forgive yourself. Did you know that the person we forgive the least is ourselves? Not someone that hurt our feelings, not an ex lover, not our parents, ourselves. Do you think you'll be forgiving someone else if you can't even forgive yourself? Most likely not. If you eat some cheese (or pepperoni) pizza because it was right there tempting you - forgive yourself. Don't purge or go run ten miles. Just observe your feelings. If you feel bad about it, then duh, don't do it again silly! Once you can forgive yourself, then forgive others. A famous man named Jesus Christ once said "Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do." Maybe it's just me but I think those are very wise words ;) Most people don't know exactly where their food comes from. Is it okay to you? Maybe not. But in that moment, they are doing their personal best, and it's okay for them. Forgive. Love. 

During Yoga, your moving meditation brings stillness to the mind and with lots of practice, will bring revelations to your mat. While on the mat, covered in sweat, being still, using your body, you will begin to have all kinds of epiphanies. Thoughts become clear. Confusion happens less. You won't be so shocked or startled by other people's actions any more. Calmness and peace will flood your mind. Acceptance instead of stubbornness. Love instead of apathy. 

& Remember:


Tomorrow I will be posting a delicious recipe that I came up with last night! Check back! <3

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